Concorso Suoni d'Arpa / Eventi / News

Gabriella Dall’Olio, Park Stickney e i talenti di Hong Kong a Suoni D’Arpa



Sabato 1 settembre, ore 21

Chiesa della Croce Nera, Piazzetta San Nicola

Gabriella Dall’Olio, arpa classica

Park Stickney, arpa elettroacustica

con la partecipazione di Aimee Lam & Eve Lung

Gabriella Dall’Olio, solista

Giovanni Caramiello (1838-1939) Rimembranza di Napoli

Elias Parish Alvars (1808-1849) Sérénade, op.83

John Marson (1933-2007) El Picaflor

Aimee Hang Yu Lam, solista

Marcel Grandjany (1891-1975) Rhapsodie

Eve Lung, solista

Marcel Tournier (1879-1951) Vers la source dans le bois

Michail I.Glinka (1804-1857) The lark

Park Stickney, solista

programma a sorpresa

Gabriella Dall’Olio has inspired audiences throughout Europe and the Middle East with her solo recitals and chamber music concerts for the past two decades. Her warm personality, zest for life and cultures, inquisitive, enthusiasm, curiosity and generous musicianship make her at home in every musical genre, and in the solo stage as well as in other formations. Gabriella has recorded for international radio and television corporations, including BBC, Radio France, RAI, Bayerischer Rundfunk and Radio Suisse. She has appeared regularly with Gruppo Musica Insieme di Cremona, Wiener Virtuosen and with the German ensemble Kontraste, playing premieres and works by twentieth-century and contemporary composers. She lives in London, where she freelances amongst others with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Royal Opera House, BBC Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra and the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment; abroad she has played regularly with Wiener Philharmoniker, Symphonie Orchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, SWR Symphonie Orchester.Gabriella has enjoyed working also in the pop world with Tina Turner, Sting, Phil Collins, UK champion Beatboxer FaithSFX, Kazabian, Elton John and the Petshopboys. She has recorded three solo CDs on Claves and EM; concertos with Naxos (Tafreshipour) Claves (Turina), AVS (Tailleferre); and chamber works with Koch, Stradivarius, Dal Segno (together with Flutist Wissam Boustany) and Ambitus amongst others.

Aimee Hang Yu LAM, currently 14 years old, started learning the harp at the age of six. She is studying harp under the tutelage of Ms. Lauyee Yeung. She has obtained a Harp Diploma in Recital with distinction from the Trinity College of Music (London) by age 13. Her musicianship has developed hugely through her passion and talents which has bought her some major local and international prizes, such as the Hong Kong International Harp Competition, the Korea International Harp Competition, and the VIII AMIGDALA International Music Competition. In 2016, Aimee at 13 years of age was the youngest of the group of final six, winning the Third prize in the “U19” category of the 4th International Harp Competition in Szeged, Hungary. In 2018, competing against the professional harpists in the world, she claimed the Third prize at the prestigious DHF World Harp competition in Utrecht, Netherlands and most recently 2nd place at the Young Artist’s Harp Competition in Ohio, USA. As a keen learner, she has attended the Harpy Summer Academy and had the opportunity to play solo, ensemble and learn from the harp masters. She enjoys music and has appreciated in learning with the world-renowned harpists. She has participated in numerous public recitals, such as the Hong Kong Music Festival, All Saints’ Cathedral Concert and the Hong Kong Amateurs Orchestra Concert. When she was 9 years old, she was invited to perform on a Hong Kong TV program show. In 2016, she has also been invited to perform at the Asian Harp Festival in Seoul, Korea as part of the “Rising Stars of Asia Concert”. Apart from a solo performer, she also played with the Orchestra of Independent Schools Foundation Academy Hong Kong as a Principal Harpist and took part in the concert of 10th ISCMS Festival in the Forbidden City concert hall, Beijing in 2017.

Eve Lung.A ten-year-old (should be 11-year-old in Sep 2018) student from Hong Kong. Started playing the harp in 2012, then start practice everyday wholeheartedly as she was enchanted by its magical sound. Almost five years ago, She has Ms. Amy Tam as my harp teacher who gives Eve formal harp training till now.  She was so fortunate to attend the masterclasses as well as private lessons held by Ms. Judy Loman, Madam Catherine Michel, Ms. Karen Vaughan, Ms. Maria Luisa Rayan, and many other fantastic harpists in recent few years.  Their inspirational coaching further deepens my love for the harp.

Eve joined the 3rd Thailand International Harp Festival and Youth Competition as well as the 28th Nippon Harp Competition Junior Division in 2016 and was awarded the Best Stage Presence and the Fourth Prize respectively. These encouraged Eve to enjoy every moment of all performance stages.  2017 is a fruitful year for Eve as she was so honored to be the youngest one to perform in the 13th World Harp Congress ‘Focus on Youth’ session, furthermore, She had the opportunity to meet many talented harpists and musicians during my participation in the Beautiful City Ensemble at the opening concert and many other activities during this wonderful event. Besides the beloved harp, I also like doodling, reading fictions, playing the piano and card games. I am looking forward to making new friends and learn from all harpists in this magnificent Harp Festival.

Park Stickney è un arpista statunitense. Uno dei più rappresentativi musicisti che, negli ultimi anni, si sono adoperati al fine di introdurre l’arpa tra gli strumenti consoni alla musica Jazz. Terminati gli studi alla Juilliard School di New York, Park Stickney ha intrapreso la propria intensa carriera musicale tenendo concerti in America, in Europa e in Asia in qualità di solista o di collaboratore. Infatti, dal 1995 al 1998, insieme all’arpista Daphne Hellman, in quattro diverse occasioni, ha suonato ad Hong Kong, in India e nello Sri Lanka e, proprio nel 1998, ha partecipato al festival italiano di Umbria Jazz.Le sue molteplici esperienze concertistiche lo hanno visto impegnato in svariate esibizioni internazionali: i primi due raduni arpistici di Porto Rico; il Festival dell’Arpa di Kansas City o, tra le altre, il “World Harp Congress” , negli anni 1996, 1999 e 2002. Di opportuna osservazione è la sua duratura collaborazione con l’arpista Rüdiger Oppermann con il quale, dopo aver tenuto numerosi concerti in Germania alla fine degli anni ‘90, ha inciso, nel 2003, il disco “Harp Summit”. Parallelamente, nel 2002, ha costituito un duo con il contrabassista italiano Dino Contenti insieme al quale, avvalendosi dell’aiuto di altri musicisti, ha dato il via ad un Tour Europeo, visitando paesi come la Spagna o l’Italia. Nel 2009, Park Stickney e Dino Contenti si sono uniti al batterista Gigi Biolcati, formando così il trio jazzistico “The Lion, the Wolf and the Donkey”. Attualmente, Park Stickney continua ad organizzare seminari e corsi riguardanti la tecnica e i particolari virtuosismi dell’arpa jazz, presso Conservatori e Accademie musicali in tutto il mondo, mentre ricopre il ruolo di insegnante di arpa Jazz nella “Royal Academy of Music” di Londra.


Special Thanks to Salvi Harps

Gabriella e Park a Suoni D’Arpa nel 2016

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Redazione Redazione di IN CHORDIS, la rivista online dell'Associazione Italiana dell'Arpa.